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Thoughts on Jaku-kyara Tomozaki-kun
The fuck is Shuji's birthday on a flash card? Are they in a relationship or something? When did this turn into Shounen Ai? That other not-fat dude that comes across like Sakurai Takahiro commends him on outburst and ends with "you have someone on your side". Like they're batting for the same team? Nakamura's birthday seems to be the main theme of this episode.


Not-Sakurai Takahiro invites Tomozaki out on a date. Hinami's supposed to be invited, so there's another girl Tomozaki has to invite. He could pick anybody but he picks Izumi as the second beard. Only through the intro did I remember that there were other girls in this series. Where's Minami? Spoiler, she shows up at the end. Not much happened in this episode and it's largely uncomfortable. Not because of the homoerotic undertones with that dude lathering styling wax on Tomozaki's hair. And why is one dude telling another about his acne problem? The group outing seemed vapid. Subplot is introduced by way of gossip that Hinami and the guy whose name actually is Takahiro, are in a relationship. I need to get my expression for when it turns out to be untrue. But if it is true... The episode seemed like a complete wash.

That was until Hinami lectured him about an exploit in the game of life. And that was how to manipulate people into getting your way whether or not it benefits the other person, it only needs to look like it. I'm genuinely interested in trying it. Minami shows up at the end. 


Hopefully Izumi is out for a while. No Kikuchi-san or the short one with the bad attitude. In lieu of remembering her name, I'll call her Blanc. They showed the sister and might be sowing seeds for some interaction between the two. Oh, the homeroom teacher had something to say. Erika didn't have anything to say and was in only two shots? Hinami was annoying again with her lecturing.

Five episodes in and the anime isn't giving me a reason to care for these characters, if I'm being honest. Tomozaki has a chip on his shoulder. But why? There aren't any flashbacks or mentions of prior experiences. I'm getting that people should relate to him and fill in the blanks with their experiences to conclude that life is shit. If I'm co-authoring this story, I should be paid for my time and get a cut of the royalties. What they have shown is him getting better at becoming a so-called "normie". Though I dislike her lecturing, they've at least hinted at her appearance and confidence being a façade. For all of her screen time, Izumi seems the weakest. She likes shopping and that other guy, at least enough to learn how to play a game. Kikuchi-san is cute and timid for offering the tissue, again cute and timid for how her voice cracked when she started talking to him then earnest when discussing their "shared" interest in Michael Andi's works. Other characters weren't really shown, so they get a pass for now. To be fair on the characters, the light novel might add more depth to them.
My pussy's glued to a building on fire...

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RE: Thoughts on Jaku-kyara Tomozaki-kun - Episode 5 - by JohnnyCageFan2 - 08-10-2024, 01:41 AM

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