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Thoughts on Jaku-kyara Tomozaki-kun
So episode three, Tomo-kun's face is so freaking round and lame-looking that he wouldn't be out of place in an H anime, not that I've watched any. In fact, his whole "life is a kusoge" attitude could be his reason for violating girls. After he got his hair done, he really came across as a guy who would get NTR'd.


Want a topic to discuss with girls? Maybe how lame the male students' flannel pants are in comparison to the girls' skirts.

Enough of the negativity, I was thrown when Hinami suggested that he get with Kikuchi-san. He was right to point out that it would be like he's toying with her. If it were I, there would be no toying with emotions; Kayano Ai would be my chosen heroine for this and the next playthrough. Kikuchi-san likes him for how he is, not someone he could become with new clothes and hair. Something about the message so far doesn't seem right? Then again, it is not what's inside that counts. Using different girls to buff his stats, so to speak, is reminiscent of the brilliant Minamoto-kun Monogatari.

There wasn't much going on in this episode, it seem to be laying the foundation for mini-arcs. I liked that there weren't many characters weaving in and out of the episode. Of the girls, Izumi seems the most daunting with whom to converse. Pity there wasn't anything to learn about her. Well, she did slack on the assignment. Maybe once he gets friendly with Izumi, he'll be able to speak to less daunting girls with relative ease. This idea of treating life like an actual game may not be completely ill-advised. It does have Dark Souls difficulty. Looking forward to episode four!
My pussy's glued to a building on fire...

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RE: Thoughts on Jaku-kyara Tomozaki-kun - by JohnnyCageFan2 - 08-05-2024, 09:31 PM

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